[WIP] This game is unfinished. What you see here is a preview made during the "My First Game Jam" 2023 Edition.

Builds for Windows / MacOS / Linux are below. If you play in the browser, toggle fullscreen with the button on the bottom-left.

- User Controls - 

  • WASD/ZQSD/Arrow Keys to move the player.
  • Left-click on a empty plot to sow seeds.
  • Right-click a fully grown plant to harvest
  • Left-click hotbar icons to switch between crops 
  • Hover over hotbar items for tooltips 
  • ESC to pause
  • G for superspeed growth (cheating/debug)

- Seasons Gone's Story -

You were trying to make a living in the city selling "magic beans" in mid 18th century Europe. After the recent passing of your father, your life as a salesman is cut short. You must inherit the family farm and maintain it's legacy. New opportunities present themselves; farmers have more access to information than they ever have before. Discover a new world of farming as Europe rapidly changes. Experiment with plants not native to Europe, optimize your yields by trying new techniques such as crop rotations, learn when to sow and when to toil. The cycling of the seasons will present new opportunities and challenges. Make sure you learn well. When the Season's Gone, only two things are certain; death, or taxes.

 - Working with the Jam Theme -

The game implements 3 cycles that a farmer has to work with in real-life, and which are interconnected:

  •  The Cycle of Seasons will affect your crops, since they won't grow under a baseline temperature which is species-dependant. Sow winter crops in winter, how hard is that?
  • The Nitrogen Cycle will have to be taken into account: your crops draw into the soil nutrients, and you need to find a substainable balance between exploiting your soil and letting it rest as a fallow. Maybe you can find other ways to replenish its nutrients?
  • Finally, you'll have to put in place some form of Crop Rotation: pests and diseases can and will proliferate, if you give them the chance by not switching the species on a given plot between seasons.

 - Our Plans -

 Seasons Gone is far from finished. The current state of the game is what was able to be finished in time for the "My First Game Jam" 2023 Edition. The team plans to continue working on the game post-jam. Please follow to stay up to date with dev logs and later releases.

 -Asset Credits- 

UI Assets - https://shiva89.itch.io/pixel-game-ui
TileMap & Various Assets - https://goblinportal.itch.io/top-down-farming
Cow Sprite - https://cupnooble.itch.io/sprout-lands-asset-pack
Pixel Font - https://www.kenney.nl/assets/kenney-fonts

-The Team-


seasonsgone.exe 79 MB
seasonsgone.dmg 68 MB
seasonsgone.x86_64 81 MB


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Everything was well assembled, animated and implemented. Keep it up.

Thank you so much! We will ;)